Chalazions: Causes and Treatment

Do you have a small lump on your eyelid? Are you experiencing swelling or soreness? While you may assume you have a sty, there's another diagnosis you should also consider — a chalazion.

At his ophthalmology practice in Encino, California, Dr. Mark Baskin offers a wide range of services, including ophthalmic surgical procedures and a number of injections to treat a variety of eye ailments. If you think you have a chalazion, Dr. Baskin can give you a diagnosis and provide top-notch treatment.


The most common type of inflammatory eyelid lesion, a chalazion is a cyst that forms a bump on the upper or lower eyelids. Glands in these eyelids, known as the meibomian glands, produce oil that combines with tears to keep your eyes moist and protected. In cases where the oil becomes too thick, or inflammation plugs up the glands, a chalazion can occur. It may develop in one eye or both at the same time.


A chalazion often begins as a small red area of the eyelid and results in tenderness and swelling. After a few days, the pain frequently lessens as the size increases. Tearing and mild irritation may occur from the blocked gland. If the chalazion gets big enough and ends up pushing against the eye, blurred vision can occur. It can also make the eyelid feel heavy. Once a person has had one, it’s not unusual to have another.

Risk factors

Certain risk factors can increase the likelihood of developing a chalazion. Adults get them more than children, with the prime ages being 30-50. People with inflammatory conditions, such as dry eye, acne rosacea, seborrhea, and chronic blepharitis, are also at higher risk.


If you have a growth on your eyelid, you should get it looked at by Dr. Baskin to get an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment. Typically, Dr. Baskin will ask about your symptoms and the duration. He’ll also discuss your medical history to determine if any other health problems could be a contributing factor.

Dr. Baskin will also examine the outside of your eye to look at the skin texture, lid structure, and the appearance of your eyelashes. He may also use a bright light and magnifier to view the oil gland openings and the bases of your eyelashes.


There are a number of treatment options depending on your situation. Do not attempt to squeeze or pop the chalazion. For home remedies, you can use a warm compress 4-6 times a day for 10-15 minutes for several days to help soften the hardened oil so it can drain from the clogged ducts. Larger growths or those that don’t respond to home remedies should be treated by Dr. Baskin. He may perform a simple excision surgery and prescribe eye drops depending on the situation.  

If you're suffering from growth on your eyelid, call or click to book an appointment with Dr. Mark Baskin for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

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